Teaching & Presentations

Teaching & Supervision:

Teaching of "Ciencia abierta" (2024), a course on open science offered in Spanish at the University of Almeria, Spain

Co-creation, coordination and teaching of a graduate school course on open science Good research practices: Improving my research with open science(2022), Erasmus MC, Netherlands   

Co-creation of the “Rotterdam Open and Reproducible Research (ROARR)” seminar series (2021), Erasmus MC & Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

Supervision of 3 medical students in their BSc and MSc research theses on neurobiological features of depression and anxiety (2020-2022) 

Invited talks: 

"New and emerging approaches for understanding and treating depression in adolescence" (2024), Society for Biological Psychiatry, Austin, USA

“Introduction to open research and the RIOT science club” (2020-2022). Departments of Dermatology, Epidemiology, and Public Health at Erasmus MC, Netherlands
"Open science and the Rotterdam R.I.O.T. Science Club" (2021), Open Science Festival (online)
"ADHD symptoms and brain morphology: Examining confounding bias” (2021) Organization for Human Brain Mapping (online) 
“Replicability of social behavioral findings” (2020) ReproducibiliTea (online)
